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Strawberry Mousse Heart Cake Recipe | Valentine Day Recipes

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Strawberry Mousse Heart Cake Recipe. For this coming Valentine's Day, there are many ways to express your love to your loved ones, and cooking is definitively one of them! For everybody who wants to put a little extra effort in this holiday, whip up this Strawberry Mousse Cake with Vanilla sponge cake and strawberry Jelly. This cake will blow your mind. Though it may seem complicated with so many ingredients and directions, actually is quite easy to prepare and there is no way you can go wrong with it. Not much baking is required which makes it easy.
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Sponge Cake Layer
1 egg
60 gr of unsalted butter
60 gr caster sugar,
60 gr plain flour
1/4 tbsp baking powder
1/2 tsp of strawberry essence (optional)
1/2 tsp of vanilla extract
Strawberry Jelly
150 gr strawberry puree ( puree your strawberries)
10 gr gelatine + 4 tbsp of cold water
100 gr of caster sugar
Strawberry Mousse
150 gr strawberry puree
5g gelatin powder + 2 tbsp (30g) cold water
200 ml of double/heavy/ whipping cream (35% fat), cold
1 shot 25 ml amaretto
100 gr of icing sugar
Mirror Glaze
150 gr glucose syrup
150 gr granulated sugar
75 gr Water
10-12 gr gelatine + 75 gr Water for gelatin
100 gr condensed milk
150 gr white chocolate
Food colouring of your choice ( red and pink)
1 tsp of titanium dioxide ( optional)
Step 1 : Make your sponge cake layer first. This can be done 1 day in advance as well. Line your baking pan with some cooking oil or butter and then coat with flour. In a bowl add your softened butter and sugar and mix for few min. Then add egg, whisk again, then add sifted flour, baking powder and strawberry and vanilla extract. Place your cake mixture into prepared baking tin and cook for 18-25 min at 180 C / 350 F or until the cake is ready. Leave the cake to cool down completely and then cut in half and set aside.
Step 2 : Make strawberry jelly. Wash and cut your strawberries, i used about 250 gr of strawberries to get 300 gr of puree. After add strawberries in a pan, then sugar and cook on low heat until sugar dissolves. Place everything into the blender and puree until smooth. Divide the strawberry puree into two bowls, one will be used for the jelly and the other for the strawberry mousse. Set aside the one for the mousse and add gelatine to your other one for the jelly. Add your strawberry puree into the heart shaped mould. Transform into the freezer for it to set completely. When its done, run a hot knife around and it should come out easily.
Step 3 : Make strawberry mousse. Whisk 200 ml of your double cream or heavy cream in a bowl, add 100 gr of icing sugar and whisk until soft peaks. Add your strawberry puree, mix that in and then add dissolved gelatine and 1 shot of amaretto. ( You can add more amaretto if you want ) Add your mousse into a piping bag and set aside.
Step 4 : Assemble your cake. Place heart mould on the wooden board. Add your strawberry mousse first, shake a bit and make sure there is no extra air. Then add your sponge cake with strawberry jelly, then add the mousse. Using a spatula even it out. Place the mousse cake in the freezer overnight.
Step 6 : Make the mirror glaze. Pour over the cake. Then add your cake on top of second sponge cake layer. Decorate the cake the way you like it. Place the cake in the fridge to set and enjoy all the amazing layers!
Translation for Russian speaking people: Русский перевод ниже.
Бисквит Layer
1 яйцо
60 гр несоленого масла
60 г сахарной пудры,
60 гр муки
1/4 столовые ложки порошка выпечки
1/2 чайной ложки клубничного экстракта (по желанию)
1/2 чайной ложки ванильного экстракта
Клубничное желе
150 гр клубники пюре
10 г желатина + 4 столовые ложки холодной воды
100 г сахарной пудры
Клубничный мусс
150 г пюре клубники
5g желатиновый порошок + 2 столовые ложки (30 г) холодная вода
200 мл взбитых сливок (35% жирности)
25 мл амаретто
100 г сахарной пудры
Зеркальная глазурь (гляссаж)
сироп глюкозы 150 гр
150 г сахарный песок
75 г воды
10-12 г желатина
75 г Вода для желатина
100 г сгущенного молока
150 гр белого шоколада
Пищевой краситель по вашему выбору (желтый и розовый)
1 чайная ложка диоксида титана (необязательно, но делает глазурь менее прозрачным и глубже в цвете - это белый пищевой краситель)
питание - Food
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