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Russian Walnut Shaped Cookies | Oreshki Recipe

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Support me on Patreon: Russian Walnut Shaped Cookies | Oreshki Recipe.FULL RECIPE:
No cookie is more traditional in a Slavic household around holidays than a Walnut Shaped cookie or as we call them – oreshki. Oreshki, these beautiful, walnut shaped Russian cookies, have so much meaning for me. They are an iconic Russian treat, especially during holidays like Easter and other special occasions. I love these cookies so much, I used to eat Oreshki every holiday! The crisp, golden exterior of the cookies hold a very creamy, caramely filling. It’s a favorite among adults as well as children, especially children… Oreshki are made of two components that are absolutely awesome together – brittle shortbread cookie & dulce de leche filling. I can remember watching my grandmother making them and couldn’t wait to eat them all.
Oreshki require a special skillet, but I used a waffle maker with cookie attachment. Slavic people love using cooked condensed milk in lots of desserts. You can use the excess cookie crumbs or crushed nuts in the filling, for added flavor and crunch. Unfortunately it is pretty hard to find the molds for the traditional walnut shaped cookies if you live anywhere outside Russia or Latvia. But I bought a waffle maker with 3 different shapes and one of them was the walnut cookie shape, I'm sure you can find the mould online. This recipe makes around 120 shells, so around 50-60 cookies.
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2 eggs
200 gr of unsalted butter
150 gr of sugar
360 gr + 60 gr extra if needed of plain white flour
0,5 tbsp of baking soda
1 tsp of vinegar
1 can of caramel ( or you can use condensed milk and boil it for 3 hours)
Step 1 : In a bowl add eggs, sugar and mix everything with a whisk. Then add melted butter, make sure its not hot, and mix everything again. Add a little bit of plain flour and mix that in, then add more flour and mix.
Step 2 : Take baking soda and add vinegar, leave it to bubble up and then add to your mixture and fold it all together. Then keep adding a little bit of flour at a time, mixing that in and adding more flour until your dough comes together. The dough needs to be soft and elastic, so you might need to add more or less flour.
Step 3 : I am using shop bough caramel ( you can also use dulche de leche or boil one can of condensed milk for 3 hours and it becomes caramel)
Step 4 : Pinch a tiny bit of a dough and roll a small ball. It should be smaller size than a walnut. I like to roll out mine before in advance, so its easier to cook them one after another. I am using a waffle maker called Silver Crest that I bought here in my local store Lidl which had the cookie shape attachment but you can use any mould that you have or can find online. I cook them for 2-3 min until they are done, and you will see beautiful half of the cookie will come out. You would need to repeat the process with all the cookies, until all of them are done. Some will have edges that you will need to trim. Leave cookies to cool down completely. Add half a tsp of caramel inside each half and glue them together. Set the aside to set completely and enjoy!! They don’t last long time, trust me!
Translation for Russian speaking people: Русский перевод ниже.
Печенье "Орешки" - приятное воспоминание из детства. Для их выпечки используются специальные формы, закрытые с двух сторон, которые позволяют готовить печенье на открытом огне. Орешки — это кондитерские изделия овальной формы, по форме похожие на крупные грецкие орехи. Готовят орешки в специальных приборах — орешницах. Особое внимание нужно обратить на консистенцию теста: оно должно получиться достаточно густым, чтобы из него можно было лепить шарики – основу для орешков. Поэтому, если тесто получилось слишком жидким, нужно добавить еще немного муки.
Печенье орешек — любимое лакомство детей и взрослых. У печенья орешек неординарный вид и нежная начинка внутри
2 яйца
200 гр. сливочного масла
150 гр. сахара
3-3,5 ст. муки 0,5 ч.л. соды
1 ст.л. уксуса
1 банка сгущенного молока
питание - Food
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