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Russian Herring Under Fur Salad Recipe (Shuba) | Селедка под шубой

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Russian Herring Under Fur Salad Recipe (Shuba) RECIPE :
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This is one of my favourite Russian salads. The success of this recipe is in the herring, if it is fresh, slightly salted your salad will be unforgettable. This recipe for Russian Herring under Fur Coat Salad, known as shuba or seledka pod shuboĭ (cеледка под шубой), is a traditional Russian and Latvian layered salad made of finely chopped pickled herring, eggs, beets, carrots, potatoes and some type of dressing, either mayonnaise or a sour cream base. This recipe takes about 30 min to make it and it serves 6-8 people.It is a must for every Russian holiday. This salad requires some time and agility to assemble it, also it needs at least 6 hours for layers to soak after it is assembled. So make sure you have enough time before you plan to serve it.
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You will need:
2-3 beetroots
3 boiled potatoes
4 eggs boiled
4 pieces of salted herring
Salt & Pepper ( optional, check how salty your herring is)
To make this salad you will need to do the following:
Step 1 : Boil you potatoes, eggs and beetroot until soft.
Step 2: Peel everything and grate your beetroot and potatoes. Cut herring and eggs into small pieces.
Step 3: Layer the salad, first we add herring, then mayo, then potatoes,then mayo, then carrots, onions, mayo and lastly beetroot and eggs.
Step 4 : Serve with parsley or dill and enjoy! Best eaten the next day.
Translation for Russian speaking people: Русский перевод ниже.
Селедка под шубой - едва ли не самый оригинальный наш салат. Для многих просто нет праздника, если на стол не поставили сельдь под шубой. Несомненно, всеми любимый слоеный салат "Сельдь под шубой" - самый популярный в России! Особым внимание "шуба" пользуется в новогодние праздники, так как считается зимним салатом. У меня же без нее не обходится ни одно торжество!
Тебе понадобится:
2-3 свеклы
3 вареные картофелины
4 яйца вареные
4 шт сельди
питание - Food
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