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Piroshki Recipe with Potato & Mushrooms | Пирожки с грибами и картошкой

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These are really delicious piroshki with potato and mushroom filling. RECIPE: SUBSCRIBE:
This recipe has been handed down to me from my grandma. They taste delicious, and are a great comfort food. One of my favorite foods. I can eat these for breakfast, lunch, dinner and as a snack in between, hot or cold. These fluffy goodies are delicious and get devoured quickly. Piroshki (пирожки), is a generic word for individual-sized baked or fried buns stuffed with a variety of fillings.They are perfect treat for christmas!
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For the dough
1 cup of warm milk
1-2 tbsp of dry yeast ( follow your yeast instructions)
1 tbsp of sour cream
50g or 4 tbsp of butter
3 tbsp or 25g sugar
1 egg
pinch of salt
2.5 Cup OR 350 gr of plain flour
For the filling
3-4 potatoes
1-2 onions
Step 1 : Add yeast into a bowl, then add sugar and add half of warm milk ( not hot or cold, but luke warm) and mix and leave aside for 10-15 min to activate.
Step 2 : Melt your butter and set aside. In a bowl, add your egg, melted butter, rest of the milk, flour, pinch of salt, yeast mixture, and sour cream. Mix it all together until its combined.
Step 3 : Kneed the dough by hand for 7-10 min or in a kitchen aid mixer until its nice and soft.
Step 4 : Place a little bit of oil into a large bowl, coat your dough around so it can raise freely.
Step 5 : Cover the dough with damp towel and leave to prove for 1 - 1.30 hours.
Step 6 : To make your filling, add potatoes in a pan and boil them for 20-25 min. Fry onions with butter until golden brown and fry mushrooms. Once the potatoes are cooked, add butter, salt and pepper and fried onions. Mix everything well and then add fried mushrooms and mix well.
Step 6: The dough is a beauty to work with. Make sure you add flour everywhere, so it doesn’t stick to your counter. Divide the dough into 4 pieces, pinch a little ball and start making piroshki.
Step 7 : Roll it out into a thin layer and add 1 tbsp of the potato & mushroom filling.
Step 8 :Pinch and fold each pirozhok, so al the edges are tightly sealed.
Step 9 : Preheat your oven to 180 C / 350 F and spray parchment paper with cooking oil. Add all your piroshki and then use egg wash to coat each one ( for egg wash I used 2 egg yolks and tiny splash of milk). Bake them for 10-15 min until golden brown! Enjoy!
Translation for Russian speaking people: Русский перевод ниже.
Пирожки с грибами и картошкой. Пухлые, румяные, аппетитные – вот такие пирожки с картошкой и грибами мы вынимаем из духовки, пока члены семьи нетерпеливо топчутся рядом, дожидаясь момента, когда можно будет наконец, обжигаясь, откусить первый кусочек...
1 чашка теплого молока
1-2 столовые ложки сухих дрожжей
1 столовая ложка сметаны
4 столовые ложки сливочного масла
3 столовые ложки сахара
1 яйцо
щепотка соли
350 гр муки
Для начинки
3-4 картофеля
1-2 луковицы
500 гр грибов
сливочного масла 50 гр
соль перец
питание - Food
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