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How to make Halva ( Halvah) | Easy Halva Recipe | Рецепт халвы

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How to make Halva ( Halvah) | Easy Halva Recipe. FULL RECIPE HERE : Support me on Patreon:
You will love this recipe if you never tried Halva! Its so yummy, delicious and kinda healthy as well! I love it! Derived from the Arabic word for “sweet”, the term halva or similar is used in countries around the world to refer to countless varieties of nut- or flour-based confectionery. The flaky texture of store-bought halva is difficult to re-create at home because many traditional recipes include a meringue-like substance made from sugar syrup and boiled soapwort roots, however this version comes about as close as you can get. Halva (halawa, alva, haleweh, halava, helava, helva, halwa, halua, aluva, chalva) is any of various dense, sweet confections served across the Middle East, South Asia, Central Asia, West Asia, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, the Balkans, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Malta and the Jewish diaspora. Halva can be kept at room temperature with little risk of spoilage. However, during hot summer months, it is better kept refrigerated, as it can turn runny after several days.
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2 cups OR 240 gr of sunflower seeds
1 cup OR 80 gr of walnuts
1 cup OR 100 gr of plain white flour
1 cup water ( add half a cup at a time to make sure the mixture is not too liquid)
1/2 cup sugar or honey
2 tbsp of sunflower oil
1/2 cup cranberries or raisins or both + extra seeds if you like
Step 1 : Fry your sunflower seeds until golden for about 5-8 min on high heat, and keep mixing them so you don’t burn them.
Step 2 :Then fry your walnuts for 5-8 min. Then fry the flour for a bit until brown, mixing it constantly. This will take another 5-8 min. Keep mixing so it doesn’t burn.
Step 3: In a food processor, add seeds and walnuts and blend everything. Then add flour and blend again.
Step 4 : Add water and sugar together in a pan, boil until sugar dissolves then add oil and mix. Then add your sugar water into the blender. Mix everything together, add your choice of dried fruit and press down in a bowl. Place in a fridge until it sets for about 1 hour. When its ready it will soft, nutritious and delicious.
Translation for Russian speaking people: Русский перевод ниже.
Халва — знакомое всем с детства восточное лакомство, которое готовят из сахара, патоки, меда, орехов или семян. Халва бывает подсолнечной, арахисовой и тахинной (из кунжута), хотя для этого вкуснейшего десерта подойдут любые орехи — миндаль, фундук, кешью, фисташки, кедровые и грецкие орехи. Впервые халву начали делать в Иране в V веке до нашей эры, и до сих пор во многих восточных странах это блюдо готовят только кондитеры особой квалификации — кандалатчи. Халва бывает разная, и рецептов ее приготовления множество.
240 г очищенных семечек
80 г грецких орехов
100 г белой муки
1 стакан воды (добавьте полстакана, чтобы убедиться, что смесь не слишком жидкая)
1/2 стакана сахара или меда
2 столовые ложки подсолнечного масла
1/2 чашка клюквы или изюм или оба + дополнительные семена, если Вам нравится
питание - Food
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