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Gluten Free Brazilian Cheese Balls | Pão de Queijo Recipe

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These heavenly gluten free Brazilian Cheeseballs are to die for. These light and fluffy cheese puffs are best served warm from the oven. Simple and gluten-free Brazilian cheese bread, or Pão de Queijo, made with tapioca flour, milk, eggs, oil, and cheese. They are super easy to make at home. Pão de queijo are made with sour cassava flour or tapioca flour instead of all-purpose flour. Tapioca flour is the same as tapioca starch. Pão also have a very mild cheesy flavor thanks to the use of parmesan cheese, though you could substitute any other cheese you’d like for a more pronounced or different cheese flavor. Pão de queijo are at their crispiest best when they’re still warm from the oven. This said, the will soften over night and make excellent sandwich bread the next day.
Some people make them crustier (and tougher) and others, like me, prefer them soft and pillowy! The original recipe uses manioc starch (either sour or sweet) and “meia cura” cheese. 
There are several ways to make Pão de Queijo. One method includes cooked potatoes. One method is sort of like a pâte a choux in which you cook the dough first. This is the easier version of all in a blender. The beauty of this recipe is that you can make a big batch of batter and just store it in the refrigerator (for up to a week), pouring out just as many mini-muffins as you want to eat. You can even cook them in a toaster oven.You can find Tapioca flour in whole foods, amazon and local brazilian or portugese stores. Tapioca flour is gluten-free, so this cheese bread is great for gluten-free eaters.
Pão de queijo is an typical Brazilian snack, originally from the states Minas Gerais and Goiás. We don’t know exactly where and when it originated, but it is suspected that it was around the 18th century, during the slavery period, in the “fazendas mineiras” (farms located in Minas Gerais). It was customary to serve the masters bread and coffee in the afternoon (hence our “afternoon coffee” instead of “afternoon tea”). However, in Brazil, wheat products just started being largely produced in the 20s, so the cooks had to use manioc products.
Those were widely available since they were used long before colonization. So to make the breads, they had to use tapioca flour (or manioc starch), and then, by mixing it with cheese, they created the first pães de queijo from Minas. The pães de queijo baked in wood burning stoves and were prepared with ingredients produced in their own farms.Fast forward to the 50’s when the recipe became popular all over the country and then again until nowadays when it’s popular all over the world. 
Link to Tapioca Flour UK : 
Link to Tapioca Flour USA :
250 gr OR 1 cup of full fat milk
1 egg
113 ml OR 1/2 cup vegetable/canola oil
250 gr OR 2 cups- tapioca sour flour / starch , if you are using sour tapioca flour or starch then reduce the amount to 195 gr OR 1.5 cups
120 gr grated parmesan cheese/ pecorino cheese / cheddar cheese
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
250 гр молока
1 яйцо
113 мл растительного масла
250 г мука / крахмал из тапиоки, если вы используете кислую муку или крахмал из тапиоки, уменьшите количество до 195 г
120 г тертого сыра пармезан / сыр пекорино / сыр чеддер
1/4 чайной ложки разрыхлителя
1/2 чайной ложки соли
Эти безглютеновые бразильские, легкие и пушистые сырные слойки лучше всего подавать теплыми из духовки. Простой бразильский сырный хлеб без глютена, или Pão de Queijo, приготовленный из муки тапиоки, молока, яиц, масла и сыра. Их очень легко сделать дома. Pão de queijo делают из кислой муки маниока или тапиоки вместо муки.
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