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Speaking in Russia. How to Get Booked in Russia as a Professional Speaker

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Mykola Latansky — the World's first Russian-­‐speaking Motivational Speaker and the #1 Trainer & Success Coach for the Russian-­‐speaking World shares Tips & Tricks of doing business with Russian people.

Global Speakers Network invited Mykola Latansky to share how the Russian-speaking world works. In this video Mykola will share what the audience over there is like and what they are looking for. He will also share with you how you can best position yourself to be hired over there, likely again and again. And the pit faults that you can expect there.

Mykola Latansky comes from Ukraine, born and raised, and currently doing international business with his wife. He has clients coming from 55 countries on 4 continents and his message touched already thousands and thousands of people who come to Mykola first of all for life success principles which he teaches them being the student of Jack Canfield. Jack calls Mykola his biggest success story in the training business.

Mykola Latansky tells you about a big mistake that people make when they fly over there ( Russian-speaking countries) or even thinking to fly over there. And what you will find in most cases will very, very, very much surprise you. People are hungry there. Because when you live for over 70 years behind the iron curtain and then at one day it just opens up you have such a huge hunger for everything: for knowledge, for spirituality, for personal development teaching.

Mykola will say about how the market works now and what is the easiest way to fly over there to speak. He also will say about the problem of the market and what rules you have to follow. Mykola tells the story about bringing his American colleague -- best selling author to Ukraine.

Mykola says: "You really have to develop the quality. Big mistake in Russian countries is to try to sell. In Soviet Union any entrepreneurship was the enemy of the state. In most of the people's mind selling is equal to entrepreneurship equal to enemy. But what will help and people will ask you if you can sell them is to really, really serve."

Mykola will tell you that there are two major things you have to remember to succceed there. Although that market is in its development stage it is already very demanding. And people will not easily pay for just another training.

From this video you will find out how to open the door and how to keep that door open and be invited again and again because people will love you?

What is missing not only in American or western-european speakers and trainers? "People and speakers come over there..they speak from the top, peak. At some point speakers may decide that they are Gods because they are changing people's lives. People will be impressed but will they love you? Will they ask you to back again?" What really works you can find out from this video.

The Law of Transparency - this is one of the laws Mykola is teaching on all his seminars. People started growing their checks from 1000 a month to 20000, 30000 a month in a matter of 1 or 2 years after attending one of his events. They say this is thanks to the law of transparency. In this video you can learn how the Law of Transparency works and how it leads to people's trust.

"You can come to Russian-speaking countries once as an expert but people will ask you to come back as a Human".
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