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Slow Mo Beatboxing - Smarter Every Day 109

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My favorite Flula Video:

It's pretty clear to me that Flula is misunderstood. His content is very intelligent and he consistently puts out clever, unique, and interesting content so I decided to contact him and see if he was willing meet up. I'd love to see him be successful.

All slow motion sound design and Audio Engineering was done by Gordon McGladdery of "A Shell In the Pit". He designed all the slow motion lip warble sounds from scratch.

I shot Flula's lips at 1,500 Frames per second with a Phantom MIRO LC320S made by Vision Research:

The sine wave and square wave graphic was designed by Will Leahy
He has a website, but there's nothing there: He's working on it.

The technical sound data was fact checked by: I said some things wrong initially. I confused "Additive Synthesis" and Filtering. Gordon McGladdery and these guys got me back on track.
Gary Bourgeois
Timothy McGuinness -

"Timbre" is basically the wastebasket that Audio Engineers throw all the stuff that they don't really know how to categorize into anything else. It's the "color" of the sound. Take a minute and read about it:

Spectrograms are created by a math operation known as a Fourier Transform. If you don't know what a FFT is, you really should. Read a bit about shifting stuff from the time to the frequency domain.


You know Gordon's music by now. It's all good.

Tweet ideas to me @SmarterEveryDay

Instead of saving for my kids' college, I make videos using the money I would have saved.
The thought is it will help educate the world as a whole, and one day generate enough revenue to pay for their education. Until then if you appreciate what you've learned in this video and the effort that went in to it, please SHARE THE VIDEO!

If you REALLY liked it, feel free to pitch a few dollars towards their college fund by clicking here:

Warm Regards,

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