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Red Gerard: All in the Family | Beyond the Bib Episode 2, Season 4

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When you’re a professional competitive snowboarder, having a family that supports you no matter what can make all the difference, especially in a world of overzealous soccer moms and football dads. Red Gerard is used to being part of a large family, and is now one of eight siblings, as they’ve recently welcomed a newly adopted baby brother into the fold. Another important member of Red’s family is his brother Kai, who has always been around to document Red’s riding on video. There are obvious perks to having a filmer available on-demand, especially one who you’ve spent your entire life with. Plus, he was one of the masterminds behind suggesting the build of Red’s original backyard park, which is situated on a hill behind his Colorado home. This idea has now blossomed into Red’s Backyard, a series of terrain park installations created in conjunction with Woodward at their locations across the country and are designed to foster an atmosphere where riders can practice their skills without having to pay for a lift ticket.
Directed by Jeremy Pettit
Archival Footage Courtesy of:
The Gerard Family
#DewTour #BeyondTheBib #RedGerard
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