Кто, как не итальянец, научит вас правильно готовить пиццу? Тренер-аналитик казанского "Зенита" Томазо Тотоло любезно согласился продемонстрировать ZTV свои кулинарные способности, а также рассказал о своей функции в команде и жизни в России!
Who does not like Italian teach you how to cook a pizza? We decided to introduce you to the Italian coach-analyst of "Zenit-Kazan" Totolo Tomaso, who has kindly agreed to show us his culinary skills. And for one Tommy talked about his life in Russia, food preferences, and most importantly - told what do the coaches-analysts and what is their function in the team
Who does not like Italian teach you how to cook a pizza? We decided to introduce you to the Italian coach-analyst of "Zenit-Kazan" Totolo Tomaso, who has kindly agreed to show us his culinary skills. And for one Tommy talked about his life in Russia, food preferences, and most importantly - told what do the coaches-analysts and what is their function in the team
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